Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Sume org mesti ader dreams masing2 kan? x kire la ape bende pun yg korang nak impikan dlm idop nie...kdg2 kalu kite list pun belum tentu kertas berkajang2 dapt senaraikan sume dreams kite..hehehe...ak jd terigt pasal one of my dream nie lepas terjumpe member skolah rndah..hehe she's way to success than me..i guess..the most thing that i ever envy bout her that she got to fulfill my first dream: to be abroad! huhhuhu...lepas je jumpe die....langsung terus ak berpk..why am i still stucking here at my own country..i'm not going to say that i'm regret for being here and do not feel grateful...but as human being..that's what i thought...than it leads me to the few years back in the schooling year..what have i done in those years without ended it with good result? huh?! really is...all the way back after met her..i fell lost,insecure and underestimated my self for what i've done..ak terpikir la..ape yg sepatutnye ak deserve? adakah ak deserve being abroad? tue la impian ak..dlu konon nak g ireland..wat medic..[that's the dream] bio,chem n physic msk longkg![that's the fact] haha...x tau la ape attraction yg ad sgt kt overseas tue..sabah n sarawak pun over the sea what? ahaha as for now..[try to be optimistic here! haha] ak tgh nk betul kan balik la wayar fius yg dh tersimpul ptg td...straight the head back and be in reality...hohoho score for degree course first[that's the reality], nanti dh hbs degree try la apply nak smbung master overseas..[that's still a dream!] haha amin!

p/s mmg teringin beno nk g overseas! hahaha

Sunday, February 22, 2009


hehe...tjuk entri mcm ape je kan? semalam...mcm metaphor le plak hehe....semalam first time ak dpt drive g kole trg..hehe walaupun mcm bese je kn? tp first time tue.....on my own! sane pun rase mcm xde paedah UMT konon nak tgk sbb dh lmbt smpai around 3 o' pun dh bungkus nak balik hehe...adik ak,kroll pun suggest g stadium main bowling....fuyooo trg skrg dh ad bowling haha...g la skodeng stdium br tue kejap ade ape...bleh tahan la...nampak gah! cewah...hehe pas je main bowling ingat nak isi prt..round punye round...brenti kt a&w...mase nih ak mmg pokai..duit satu sen pun xde dlm wallet..bkn ape..x amik dr atm lagi jerk...bleh plak kan nak kuar jln2 xde duit..msuk a&w berbekalkan rm30..order punye order..jumlah sbnr rm32..ak pun ckp la kt akak 2...nak pg cr lagi rm2..which means mintak ngak kroll la kan? hehe...skali kroll kate ajk pg kfc..sbb die kate mahal sgt a&w..masalahnye ak dh pun order..n akak cashier tue pun dh letak order ak dlm plastik....huhuh...sdhnye..mesti die kne mrah truk kan? huhuh...dgn rase besalhnye..ak pun stat kete..trus je pg kfc....hohoho mesti muke ak nih jd most wanted kt a&w hahaha...adoilaaa..

moral of the story: lain kali bwk duit!

sha filan =)

my first entri here @ blogspot! ekeke...x tau la mane idea dtg balik nak menulis nieh...igtkan dh stop Senah duk urge jgk.."buat la blog ko la bleh komen ak punye blog" hampeh tuh minah tue..haha bile tgk balik ex-blog lame kt friendster(try 2 export all the posts there)..terpikar la jgk..y not just continue ape yg ak dh pernah buat tue kt big deal..cume kene deal ngan idea,wireless connection kt unisel yg cam hampeh, and timee..!!! dh stat bz nieh! really bz! i mean it..hehe dlu mase Ten ckp die bz smpai x cukup kaki tgn..ak bleh duk elek je..skrg br ak tau ape rase hehe...pe2 hall welcome to my this is what i am...for what i worth for..peace..!& smile! =)

le gra go deo,
sha filan xxx