Monday, February 22, 2010

i want updates....!!

i want to update my blog!!
so much to says and tells and stories...
but then..the laziness stops me!
i am such a lazy person! am i lazy?
yes i am! haha
i want to tell how we're ended up eating at the ahjuhmaa korean food stall twice last week,
i want to say how busy i am for this whole week with class and tesl nite yg ntah ape2 tue..,
i also want to tell story about senah's terengganu trip..(but the..let her storyla kan?)

p/s: any medicine for that??


skunksenn zone said...

dr 3 entry ang list..satu ja yg ang update huhuhuhu

sha filan said...

malas wei! sius!
lagipun xde gmbo bimbimbap!
skalu kalu g mkn mmg msing2 tgh lapo thp gaban smpai x igt nak amik gmbo dlu b4 mkn! haha rus je ngap!