I'm here!!!!
Looks like the writing mode kicks off when i have caffeine for a day. I did slurp for double shot for tonight as a matter of staying up late and finishing what's supposed to be finished.
It's been almost 1 month im in the new work place. Everything's fine as for now and i feel so much worried as this is the big institution where everything is counted and everyone wants to be part of it. Not to doubt about the previous place, but i actually can compare it now. Not going to brag about the system or stuff but prefer more on the teaching and the students.
I've been given to teach 2 subjects that involve students from semester 1 and 3. For semester 1, it will focus more on grammar while semester 3 is all about writing. Both skills that i'm lacking off in my own-self. I must say that this time i really do the teaching part as i have time to study and make sure that the students understand what they have been presented with. It reminds me back at the old place where I've got to teach 5 subjects all together in one semester, let alone their level and semesters. It's all mess-up. It come to the sense that is it for quality or quantity. I can say that my previous teaching has no quality at all, as you've been burden with lots of unrelated things plus the killing teaching loads which hardly makes me focus into the classroom preparation. Now i felt that i should have make the classroom activity and teaching works on them.
Education is not about making money and such. It's about how you make the students learn something in your class and how they response towards your teaching. It's hard as being an educator it involves to educate and shaping them in becoming a human being. So do not label the teacher for whatever they are because sometime it's stressful in order to make a normal human understand what you are talking about. AND teaching do not involve any medium. It can revolve in any places in the world as along as your knowledge is shared.
Though this new place is established and well-known, the English level is just the same as the students still struggle with that 2nd language. I have encounter the weak students in class where they can't even pronounce the simple words or their slang is the barrier to the speaking. So it's just the same be in here or there, people struggle with it, as i hope i would have done better there.
what am i talking about?? I dont know either...lalalala....
p/s: yes...my english is bad too as im also learning and im not the native speakers..you have problems with that?