Saturday, July 18, 2009

I cried over B+....

crying Pictures, Images and Photos


Yes I cried! You read the title right? It’s not the tears of joy and satisfaction but it is the tears of frustration and injustice! I’ve got B+ for my public speaking subject! What do u expect Azyan? Of course an A! it’s a public speaking! The things you’ve done everyday in your class and presentation..and still got B+....that is for the frustration part…

When I asked ‘the lecturer’ why i only got B+? a save and standard answer received:

Him: You deserved what you got....

(what the heck! No room for further explanation…then again I asked)

Me: Since public speaking is a subjective subject....

(x sempat habis ayat.....)

Him:Yes..i’ve known/taught it for about 20 years...

Me: There’s nothing u n I can do about it?

Him: The answer is NO! It’s done! You should be grateful cause you get yourself a B+ compare to those who get C….

(oh, fyi..only 2 people got C in the class)…

Me: but I think I deserve an A or at least an A-.....

Him: we always think that we’re good compared to other people..but it’s actually not.

Me: huh! Yes! But I still deserve the A..for what I’ve already done in the class.

Him: you know what dear, you don’t do well in your test and impromptu speech

(fyi again: my test is 14/20 and impromptu 22/30…standard marks..but the impromptu of cuz based on his impressionistic view totally!)..

Him: is there anything else?

Me: can I meet you in person? Face to face?

Him: nope! That’s all about it. Bye…

Me: huh?....teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttt….

(the phone went off and I burst into tears of injustice!)

Why am I sooooo ungrateful?

  • about the test result, most of us got an average marks which means 14 is like a save lines of if he give that kind of excuses…It can’t be answered the test based on our ‘public interpretation’ due to no theory at all had learned..since he is so emphasizing on the ‘pubbbbllliccc sppeeekkiinggg…’ and doing the speech publicly all the time.
  • Based on the ‘so called’ result list or the marks and grades evaluation, there’s no surprise that his ‘beloved kids’ scored well…and more surprisingly the person who’s u think not at the same level as u also got A…there AGAIN I felt myself good., but the issue can really tell whether the person really give full commitment in everything done in class or not! It’s not about you think you’re good or not…but we know ourselves…if u think i don’t deserve it, do I give a call to him just to express my ungrateful-ness? Huh! Cliché
  • Dah terang-terang lagi nyata tak yah suluh, it’s a public speaking course..a course where you can see how outspoken a person is in the class…how he/she can presented the ideas, how he/she working out in a classroom…still he/she got B+? just because she’s just missed 1 marks to get to the A- gred? (this happen to my friend)
  • So what actually do public speaking is evaluating for? Feymousity? Femininity? Handsome-city? Ability? Outspoken-city or what? if he graded us based on the major assessment (impromptu, prepared speech and test), what about the minor assessment marks like attendance, writing a speech about UNISEL and stuff that he promised to give marks on it? the minor assignments can't be count too? then why do it in the first place??
  • Sir, r u really soooo INTO ur same gander? (im wondering…)


Abah said: bear in mind, one day when you become an educator, lecturer or teacher do not repeat the same thing to your students. Have some humanity and self adjustment to understand people.

Me: Ok..(sebak!)

Hasnah: Ingatla…yang hak tetap yg hak…yang batil itu batil (ayat fave senah lately! Haha)…elek la…dari duk saiko mcm tue baik alih kt subject satu lagi tue…

Me: hahahaha….i like! (her fave quote of cuz..ekeke)



: Hasnah ak sgt terase nak sepak…*dot……* hahahahaha

: B+ can be define as ‘be positive’..oh…I'm trying..


: I’m just expressing my anger+sadness+frustration+ injustice+geram+rase nak sepak2 here…if u feel annoyed..better not too…huhuh =(


skunksenn zone said...

azyang kata2 abah mu tue sgt tepat...tue jgk ayat fave. aku...sgt nie fight cmmn pun org tak kan layan..coz sumer org akan dfnd mr m tue since dier lect..pangkat..kuasa..pegalaman n apa yg leh buat..buang menda tue dr pala otak...
++ aku p'caya pd 'karma'=bukan mdoakan yg buruk TP allah itu wujub:)klw dier tak jujur dlm assess ada lah blsn..lmbt atau cepat...
sekian tima kacih utk hujah yg pnjng bjela...

sha filan said...

azyan sangat terharu dengan hujah2 peguam bela itu...hehehe...trime kasih daun kladi diucapkan! hehehehe

didieadila said...

sbar weh..
aku lg bengang kot??
sbject target dpt a dpt c+!
sgtlah APAKAH..?
dan sguh *carut2* sekali..

sha filan said...

2 ar pasal weh?
mcam ngek pun ad kan?
xpe! kite same2 memahami...

Syafiq said...

napela rase mcm tau je sape lecturer yg ajar ni...hahaha...rilek la...bese la bias tu,even i faced it,but we just have to deal with it.yes,life isnt fair,but thats life so just suck it up and do better with other subjects :)

sha filan said...

erk? tau eK? hehe...
hohoho thnks bro..
dh..suck up+cerna lumat2 dlm perut and dh buang! ekekeke
thanks 4 the words..
looking 4ward to it..hehehehehehe

deadlock said...

dia tak nk jumpa ko?
apehal tak nk...
klu aku jadi mcm ko aku akan kawad depan bilik dia...
tak pon ko jadi stalker mcm aku...kcau hdop dia...
smpai dia tukar pkiran...
gud luck ye...
aku akan merindui mu...
lagi2 bila mlm menjelma...

WaNnY said...

i bet he'd done something wrong that he din want u to meet him! haha

sha filan said...

setelah ak timbang tambah tolak bahagi darab..n bertanye pade yg arif....keputusan ak mcm 2 la.x pergi jumpe die begging cam org gile...huhuhu...

ak rse die x thn pujukan kut..sbb tue x bg ak jumpe hahahaha...