abih-abih pun ak tnye je...:
'nape smoke?'
2 je..nak tau jawapan dr smoker 2 sendiri..and usually jawapan yang ak dapt..:('sy xtau..tetibe rokok dh ad dlm mulut sy..')
(senah..ko mesti tau macam mane nak ajuk kan? haha)
'x tau la, xde jawapan yg pasti' or
x pun 'addicted', or
'sebab tension'...
alasan biase la kan...pastue ak akan tnye plak..:(senah..ko mesti tau macam mane nak ajuk kan? haha)
'x tau la, xde jawapan yg pasti' or
x pun 'addicted', or
'sebab tension'...
'x rase nak brenti ke?'..
Jawapan regular yg aku dapat, :'nak tue mmg nak..tp xleh la..',
'tak xde motivation lagi nak brenti,tp brenti jgk la nanti'
'ntah la...rse mcm best je...(i'm the hot chick who smoke!)'
(mcm 2 la mksd die! ceh!)
huhu....kire ok la kut sbb ade niat jgk kan nak brenti...smpai bile nak bakar paru-paru tue..tapi ape yg pasti..ak xleh duduk dalam keadaan yg membolehkan asap rokok masuk ak punye lung secare free2..means kalu ak duk dalam bilik, tetibe org merokok kt ruang tamu..haa sah2 ak duk dalam bilik pun bleh bau n tumpang skali ko punye nakotin n sgale smpah, racun dalam tuh! (happen to my housemates!) kalu kt public places tuh xleh nak wak pe la kan, except lari je dari tempat tue..kire tue diorang xde sivik la..amik hak org lain semate-mate nak puas nafsu die nak isap asap tuh....so in general nye..ak mmg xd sebab nak benci or anti or pandang lekeh pada org yang isap rokok...2 ko punye pasal..antre ko ngan idup ko..xde kaitan ngan ak...huhuhu and i'm not the person who overgeneralize people..i still believe that something happen 4 reason...so ada la tuh kut reason diorang yg agak bleh tahan tue...'ntah la...rse mcm best je...(i'm the hot chick who smoke!)'
(mcm 2 la mksd die! ceh!)
if you lied? Oh gosh!....x reti nak react mcm mane...huh! sengeh then continue buat mcm xde ape2 jadi..? or terus blah pegi healing sendiri sakit ati tue..? kadang-kadang nampak mende tue small matter...tp bile org dah tnye terang-terang," r u still smoking?' dan dengan 'jujur'nye cakap 'tak, dh x isap..dh brenti'..tapi tup..tup..boom! bukan seperti yang dijangkakan...macam mane ak nak deal? wak bodoh and continue mcm xde pe2? Oh..sgt x reti nak buat reaction mcm tue...ak pilih option no 2...back off and pegi healing sakit ati tuh!...sakit o..2 cume hal small matter la kena tipu kan?...kalu kne yg part berat@ besar @ hebat lagi mesti terus..dush! blank! i never mean to cross the boundaries in ur life, if u said 'i'm not going to answer that question', then i understand...like i said..i have no grudges towords people who smoke..but y u have 2 lied in the first place...adeh! ok..i make this issue as a big issue! who cares! this is my blog n my feeling and this is the place where i can say things out loud! huh! tired! soo...watever! smoke or lied..i'm in my healing mode!
p/s: for me: you lied because u don't trust a person, if you don't trust people then u don't trust me, don't say it out loud that you trust me in everything insted u keep it lied again n again! huhu...
and: my blog is my blog... x kire ade org bace ke x..it's still my blog!
why am i so angry at u?
because u're my bestfriend! huhu or am i the only one who have that thought?
saya tak tau ckgu..tiba-tiba saya sudah rokok..tiba -tiba plak ckgu tye saya sudah cakap 'saya tak rokok ckgu"huhuhuhuhuhu tp saya rokok ckgu..
smoking x best pun..btul, mmg x best..sy tw laa sy pun smoker jgak..tp stil smoking ngn alasan yg ntah pape..maybe org yg smoking ni jenis yg mmg suke asap kot..
dz: huhu x tau la dz..2 la ckp..tp ye la..kalu nak brenti tue senang mesti industri rokok dah lingkup kan? hehehe
senah: ko apply la ckp mcm 2...nanti bile practical, bdk2 skolah tue ckp mcm tue br ar..hahaha
ak xisap rokok.......
bakal guru: bgs la kalu ko x isap..keep it that way n avoid as if it's a taboo
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